'- Your requirements after enrolling with us will be: Create an account as a homeschool/nonpublic school on DNPE website once upon beginning homeschooling (we help you do this), keep records according to the regulations - In North Carolina, homeschools are considered private schools, so the regulations are the same whether you enroll with Bridge or not. If Bridge were to seek approval as a private school, we would be mandated to give and report standardized test scores for your child each year. Because homeschoolers are not required to report these scores, and only need to “file them away” each year, we know that this gives families more flexibility in their decision-making for student assessment. Due to this option, Bridge Academy has opted to not seek approval as an in-state private school and will operate as an out-of-state virtual private school, where your students are both enrolled with us as private school students (so records, transcripts, diploma and private student status are applicable), while also being registered in NC as a homeschooler. Bridge will offer proctoring of standardized tests if parents choose, and will also respect a parent’s decision to opt out of standardized testing and choose to not file these on record, at the very slight risk of the DNPE ever requesting to see them. - In North Carolina, there is no state law stating that homeschoolers are eligible to participate in sports and interscholastic activities - this will be left to the local public school’s discretion. If this is something you desire, Bridge Academy will offer whatever documentation or support needed to help you make that request to the local school.
create an account as a homeschool/nonpublic school on DNPE website once upon beginning homeschooling, keep records of attendance and yearly standardized test scores (these are NOT reported to anyone)